Oh Holy Night – CBWC Christmas Luncheon with Pastors Jim and Cyndi Franklin and Family

Men and Women Welcome
Guest Speakers; Pastors Jim and Cyndi Franklin and Family
Santa will be there for pictures!
Several Raffle prizes
Join CBWC Fresno and the Jim Franklin Family as we celebrate this special time of year!
Jim and Cyndi Franklin are the Senior Pastors at Cornerstone Church in downtown Fresno, serving there since 1993.
Jessica (Franklin) Waymire, Nathan Franklin and James Franklin are their children.
- Jessica is the Founder of P.U.S.H. Ministry, and a Teacher at the Lighthouse Recovery for Women.
- Nathan is an Associate Pastor at Cornerstone Church.
- James is a Law Enforcement Officer with C.U.S.D. This family follows Jesus and uses their skills and talents to bring people closer to Him.