PO Box 16237, Fresno, CA 93755

Message from Joan Sandlin

Message from Joan Sandlin


Message from Joan Sandlin, President of CBWC Advisory Council

Dear Ladies,

You are receiving this announcement because you are either a member of CBWC (having paid membership fees) or you have supported us through fund raisers or event attendance. We wish to announce that for next year, 2016, we will not be collecting membership dues. Our fund raising has been very successful and at this time we are not in a position to seek seed money to keep the organization operating. Therefore, all future luncheons will be one price of $20.00 and all benefits are open to everyone. We celebrate that we are in a position to forgo dues and look forward to seeing you at our next gathering.

On October 27th, Lisa Smittcamp will be our speaker. Join us at Pardini’s at 11:30am. Tickets may be purchased on line at CBWCfresno.com.

Hold the date, Dec. 8th, for our Christmas luncheon with CBMC.  Dr. Janice and Michael Stain will be our speakers. Their topic will be “How to celebrate Christmas in our fast pace world”. Tickets are also available on line.

We hope to see you soon at our future functions. We work diligently to provide opportunities to assist you in expanding your influence in the marketplace and community. Our mission is to connect, disciple and equip Christian Business Women to lead more productive, significant and fulfilled lives both personally and professionally.

