PO Box 16237, Fresno, CA 93755

Faith and Politics with Diane Pearce

Faith and Politics with Diane Pearce

CBWC Fresno Luncheon

Guest Speaker: Diane Pearce


The balance of scales between faith and politics can be a daunting one. How do you stay true to your faith and still get the job done when working in a secular arena? It nothing less than a miracle and much help from God to not buckle under the pressure. Now more than ever, it is time for the church to occupy as many doors as possible and seats in all arenas of the world.


      • Door Prize: 2 Tickets to the Next Month’s Luncheon
      • Raffle: $50 Gas Card


Diane Pearce serves on the Clovis City Council and runs the entertainment company King Productions with her husband Jeremy full-time. Her parents moved to Fresno from the Midwest for her dad, Donn Rojeski, to attend seminary just before she was born. She grew up attending North Fresno MB Church where her dad served as an associate pastor. Being an active part of their church was a foundational piece of Diane’s upbringing and she served in leadership positions in her youth group. Diane graduated from Fresno Christian High School in 1997 where her mom, Hallie Rojeski, taught 8th grade American history and Bible for over 30 years. Diane chose to go to UC Davis because, having grown up in church and attending Christian schools, she wanted to make sure her faith was rooted and personal while pursuing her degrees in political science and international relations.

Diane met Jeremy while working for Congressman George Radanovich in his Fresno office. After years of spending the majority of their time building their business, in 2015 they were concerned for the direction of the country and heard Franklin Graham’s call for Christians to run for elected office. They were married by that time and realized that God was calling them back into the political arena. That journey took many twists and turns and led to Diane’s election to the Clovis City Council in November of 2022. Along the way, Jeremy encouraged Diane to take the political spotlight as he focused on the family business. That included appearances on KMJ radio, KSEE 24 as a political analyst, and as a columnist for the Fresno Bee presenting political issues and positions through the lens of Biblical values. It is those values that Diane has taken into her role as an elected official and guide her in every decision.

Together, the Pearce’s have followed the Lord’s leading and continue to trust Him as they balance their political and professional lives and always look for how to best represent and bring glory to God.